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The Cost of DIY: Lessons From My Basement Remodel Thumbnail

The Cost of DIY: Lessons From My Basement Remodel

Many years ago, Jeanne and I moved into a split-level home. That’s one of those homes where, after entering, you either go upstairs to the main living area or downstairs to the basement. When we moved in, our oldest, Debbie, was about three, and Dana was born about a month...

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Turning Fear into Fuel Thumbnail

Turning Fear into Fuel

Learning to ride a bicycle, asking someone out on a date, or making significant purchases like a home or vehicle often stir up a mix of excitement and apprehension. I vividly recall the moment when I watched my daughter graduate from her training wheels to pedaling solo on her Schwinn...

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The ‘I Will Get It Done’ Resolution Thumbnail

The ‘I Will Get It Done’ Resolution

So, it's official. It is the end of January, and any resolutions we’ve made, though begun with the best of intentions, have ended. Through extensive research (I googled it), I have found that most resolutions fail because we like the idea of our resolution but have not included why we...

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